2 Day Moxa/Cupping course

2 Day Moxa/Cupping course
A very popular and fun course it is a day packed with information and practical exploration for those wishing to expand their knowledge and add invaluable tools to their shiatsu practice.
Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing. You will learn a variety of Moxibustion techniques. You will see how the application of mild heat at selected points is used to strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of ki, its applications for deficient, cold or damp conditions and its use for boosting immunity and maintaining general health. On the day you will study the history, precautions, and applications for using Moxa.
And you learn about Cupping where small glass jars are heated to create a vacuum and then placed at strategic points on the skin to promote the flow of ki and blood and help local congestion. You will see how Cupping opens the meridians, releases toxins, activates lymphatic system and also helps in the treatment of pain, gastrointestinal disorders, lung diseases especially chronic cough and asthma.
George Dellar MBRCP Dip ac MRSS (T) DS will teach the course at Christmas House in Wiltshire.
The course will be taught in a friendly atmosphere, the emphases is on having fun as well as serious study and learning new ways to approach helping your patients. It will provide a valuable and on going learning programme enabling you to treat using Moxa and Cupping techniques at a basic level that benefit many ailments and imbalances.
The fee of £110 for the day and, this includes cups, moxa and all necessary equipment.
If you have already attended one course your insurance should be up to date, please make sure this is the case. Please add cupping and moxa to your insurance should you wish to practice the techniques learnt on the course in you practice
The course runs over one day. The days starts at 10.00 and finishes at 4.30 with an hour for lunch. The next course – please email info@naturallyhealthy.net for details
A deposit of £100 is required to secure your place. The remainder of £100 one week prior to the course. For further information about the course and to book your place please call George Dellar on 01672 539582 or email info@naturallyhealthy.net